Thursday, December 29, 2011

#I need to do something about my Blog Pictures

So I have been asking around my friends who saw my blog what improvements I needed and most of them told me its the LOUSY PICTURE QUALITY THAT NEED A TIGHT SLAP IN THE ASS.

SORRY LA but I have been using my phone camera only wad and I don't have DSLR yet.

I want one so badly but I always end up spending the money intended to save up for it. And my mom doesn't want to sponsor me!! Even after all my poopy eyes pleading, I told her its a good investment and she can borrow it and look prettier in photos. THEN YOU KNOW WHAT SHE SAID?! "I AM ALREADY VERY PRETTY, EVERYONE ALSO KNOW DON'T HAVE TO TAKE PICTURES TO PROVE IT" Wahlao so full of excuses ley my mummy.

In the end I had to take up a job and I went for the interview just now at CHIJMES. Lovely place!! Have a lot of good restaurants and bar and the one Im working in is called Senor Taco, look for Danny there and get discounts! HAHAHA its just a trick to ask you guys to visit my shop. Anyway not a bad decision to work afterall, ever since my 3 weeks holidays got eaten up by a lot of school stuffs.

Back to the Camera topic, this is the one that I want to get!! FUJIFILM x100 Super retro and super high tech and super expensive to people like me. My friend intro me one, say get this for blogging better than BIG ASS DSLR.

MY FUJIFILM HERE I COME!! I will show off my new camera in maybe like 1 months time? Meanwhile I can use some Angbao money from CNY. Okay Imma go kiss my Aunts and Uncles' asses now so I can get a fatter Angbao!


Danny, Follow my TWITTER

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.2


  1. hey i think that the Canon G12 is not bad too!
    go google cause you can self take :)
    and it's quite affordable :) i mean compared to mine -_- sigh

  2. But the fujifilm looks more retro! You bought yours at $899 arh?
