Sunday, January 01, 2012

#2012 and I'm still alive bitches!

HAPPY NEW YEAR MY BITCHES!!! It's 2012 and we all lived passed the prophecy of the movie 2-0-1-2 Screw it man, I'm still alive!! Hahaha I was actually quite paranoid and super freaked when I first watched the movie, and I was like I'm going to die and I won't even live past 20! But IN YOUR FACE 2012! HEHEHE

I had a blast for 2012 and I celebrated it with my LOVELY BFF CLAIRE!! Our first countdown ever! So sad Belinda couldn't join us, if not it would have been more complete. Anyways, we were at THE MARINA FLOATING PLATFORM and IT WAS SO GORGEOUS. The lights were beautiful, the people were fun, the performance was somewhat exciting and the FIREWORKS WERE AMAZING. Totally worth it, squeezing through the crowd, starving for hours and waiting for late comers YES CLAIRE I'M TALKING ABOUT YOU! 

The performance there was ONE OF A KIND, HAHAHA because I didn't even know these bands and singers existed until yesterday, guess I have to update myself already. So here's the list of performers for the Pre-show before the countdown goes live.

These Kids Wear Crowns - Canadian group, Pop band
Siti Nurhaliza - Malaysian BIG TIME DIVA
Sylvia  Ratonel - Singapore Idol Finalist 2009
Sezairi Sezali - Singapore Idol Winner 2009

Then for the actual performance we have,
Sheikh Haikel
Inch Chua
Nat Ho
AND the ones from the pre-show.

Let's get this party started!

This girl ah, THIS GIRL MADE ME WAIT AT MARINA SQUARE FOR AN HOUR YA KNOW!! Told me to meet at 6 then she arrived at 7+. I had to shop around marina alone, then I walked from level 1 to level 3 then back to level 1 then somehow ended up in the car-park then back to level 3 again. But we bought this super cute T-shirt for me, DIRTY MUSTARD COLOR, has a little pocket at the left. Bought it @ Fourskins for $18.90, not a bad deal!

Went to Chick King for dinner!

Dunno what is she doing with Shades indoors.

Me trying to be Paparazzi, FAILED terribly.

New route on the Circle Line?

Iris, Gavril, Claire & Me!

What the hell, Inside MRT also want to wear Shades. 

My gorgeous BFF!

This is the Top from Fourskin! OMG my horrible eyes.

Dazzling street lights!

Why is there snowflakes on new year's eve?

Walking to The Marina Float! Claire did something SO BLONDE LIKE OMG, she went to ask a TRAFFIC police how to get to the mosh pit, ARE YOU FRIGGIN KIDDING ME?!

And we got our tickets!

Look at the line!

Got our glowing wrist bands, doesn't seem to be glowing much.

Okay too much glowing.

We went in too late! End up all the good seats were taken and we had to sit all the way back and to the side! I bet those who got the front seats are those who went at like 5PM? HAHAHA cannot la! I don't want to burn under the sun and sit there and rot. But at least the view is good from our corner!

Short Clip of Marina Bay!

The view from our seats!


They had these floating balls that changes color!

Nice right the lights!

The lonely flyer, almost forgotten about it.

The performances! 

Celebrate 2012!

Sheikh Haikel rapping to Party Rock Anthem!

Opening song, Party Rock Anthem! So cute la! The EVERYDAY IM SHUFFLIN'

EmCees Gurmit & Michelle!

Sezairi Sezali

Inch Chua

Sylvia Ratonel

Nat Ho. I didn't even know he sings.

Siti Nurhaliza. She's god damm talented I swear!! She sang songs like 'On the floor' and the chinese one, 'Yue Liang Dai Biao Wo De Xin'

Siti & Sheikh!

Finale! All artists on stage!

That's the Canadian pop group, These Kids Wear Crowns.

It's the fireworks!
Sorry but you have to tilt your head to view it hahaha! And I made a lot of silly remarks! :P

(GRRR video corrupted while uploading so only have this short clip for now, will get it fixed and uploaded soon! The countdown part was much nicer than this!)

Results of fireworks! D:

Looks so Cosmic though.



Me and Claire trying to do the same thing as the previous photo but ours ended up looking so comical.

I kept my eyes shut for most of the photos because they were terrible small that day! I REFUSE TO LOOK LIKE SMALL EYED MONSTER. Hahaha.

2012 have been great so far, LIKE DUH, ONLY 2ND DAY OF 2012 WHAT. I really really REALLY want 2012 to be a fabulous year! For me and of course you bitches! 

I will do a little 2011 catalogue for the next post, felling abit lazy after this long post. Summary of my 2011 which was SO EVENTFUL YA. Hahaha a lot of things happen in 2011, great things at the beginning but not so great near the end. OKAY I SHALL SAVE IT FOR MY SUM-UP.



Danny, Follow my TWITTER

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